Summer Training

Bi-Weekly Mental Toughness Challenge (July 3-July 16): So what did you decide about 'real' toughness? Former NFL and NCAA football coach worked to instill in his athletes a toughness that, "...replaces control with autonomy, appearance with substance, rigidly pushing forward with flexibility to adapt, motivation from fear with inner drive, and insecurity with quiet confidence."   Thoughts?

This week's challenge: Between now and July 16 spend 10 minutes or more a day in meditation. Give yourself some grace if you miss a day or two, and especially if your mind starts to wander during the 10 minutes.  Our definition of meditation is wide open. In short, let's say it is setting aside 10 or more minutes to be still. For some, this time will involve praying. For others, it might be simply focusing on your breathing or being mindful. If you need help, look up a meditation app or find a Youtube video to help guide you. 

As a note, meditation is a continuation of the original toughness challenge. Example: Some of you can run for miles and miles and still have energy left, but in that same person is the inability to have a peaceful, calm mind for more than five seconds. The benefits of meditation are far ranging from lowering stress, to getting to know our pain, to better connecting with ourselves and others, to improving our focus... 

Captain's Practices

Our team has been making huge strides over the past couple of years, and our new set of captains want to push our team hard this off-season. I’d encourage all of you, competitive and non-competitive folks to get out there and work hard. Whether you care about making it to state, competing well or not, it is always good to: make team connections, work hard, be/get fit, be/get strong.

Summer Training 

Read carefully. This is an incentivised plan for all Otter Ski Team participants, grades 7-12. If you can complete the challenges listed below, you will receive a special, ski team customized t-shirt. The overall winner will receive a t-shirt AND a $50 gift card to Perks. If we have a tie(s), we’ll have a drawing.

Imagine what we can do as a team if we come into the season as fit and mentally ready for an awesome year as possible?! Doing so will make the season less sore, less prone to injury, and definitely more enjoyable!

Many of you are in multiple sports that will also have summer training/captain’s practices. That’s awesome. Work hard at whatever you sport. Have fun and put all you’ve got into training. Whether you’re a starter with varsity or a “third string bench warmer,” working hard makes both you and your teammates better! FIND BALANCE! You don’t need to try and make it to every practice across all your sports. That’s ridiculous. Part of summer is also being FREE! Know that working hard in another sport will transfer to Nordic skiing. 


To qualify for the shirt and gift card:

1. Attend at least 2 captain's practices per week.

2. Get Strong 2-3 times a week.

3. Build Endurance 5 days a week.

4. Complete the bi-weekly mental toughness challenge.

5. Take 1-2 rest days per week.

6. Eat healthy.

7. Meet 88%+ of the challenges.

8. Record your progress here.

The Detailed Plan: